Your Funeral Stories
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2nd interment question

Recently my grandmother passed and the funeral and service went well. 5 years prior my father passed away and was cremated. Me and my siblings had not decided on his final location. So at the service for my grandmother we decided to lay him to rest with my grandmother. My grandfather agreed to have his name added to the headstone at his request. He went to see the headstone today and was given a bill for $1600, $1400 of which was a 2nd interment fee with $200 being charged for the engraving. There was not a 2nd service and my father’s name was not mentioned at the burial. Me and my brother placed the ashes in with my grandmother and now we are receiving this bill.
No service was provided. The cemetery did not even touch his remains and no additional space was needed in the casket. I am confused and livid that this is being added to my family’s bill. Is this normal?
I am appalled at the cost of them doing nothing.