Memorializing Your Pet

Memorializing Your Pet

It has been said that the worst thing about having pets is that they don’t live long enough. If you have lost a pet, then you will certainly agree. Unfortunately, the chances are pretty good that if you have pets, you will have to say goodbye to that trusted friend at some point. Memorializing your […]

Secular Readings for a Funeral Service

Quick Links for Secular Readings: General Selections | Spouse | Child | Unexpected Death | Suicide | Long Illness Secular Readings for Funerals — General Selections Out of Solitude

Poetry Readings for a Funeral

Poetry Readings for a Funeral Service

Quick Links to Selected Poems: General Selections | Spouse | Parent | Child | Unexpected Death | Long Illness | African American | American Indian | Military Remember

Funeral Topics A – Z

Topics A - D A Advance Directives African-American Funerals Alternative Funeral Providers Arranging a Funeral: What You Need to Do Ásatrú Funerals Asian Funeral Flower Customs

Grieving the death of a spouse

Helping Someone Grieve the Death of a Spouse

Doing and Saying Just the Right Things Helping a Widow or Widower Cope with the Death of a Spouse Because couples function as a team, losing a spouse presents another set of difficulties for the bereaved person. Along with handling their grief, a surviving spouse may need financial advice or help with domestic issues. In fact, their grief often causes the spouse to die within a year after losing the partner.

Helping others grieve

Helping Others Grieve by Doing and Saying the Right Things

If you have a friend that has recently suffered a loss, you can help them through the grieving period. And, remember that every person grieves differently, so your friend’s feelings of grief may be totally different than yours. Here are some tips to help a friend through the loss of a loved one:

Mexican American Funeral Customs

Mexican American Funeral Service Rituals

Since the earliest stages of Mexican culture, Mexicans have embraced death as a part of life. The Mayans and Aztecs were both warriors who practiced human sacrifice — which shows a casual acceptance of death. Combine this ancient belief with the Catholicism that missionaries brought to their country and funeral attendees will see a relaxed, yet deeply religious regard for death.

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