Salvation Army Funeral Customs

Salvation Army Funeral Service Rituals

Members of the Salvation Army refer to death as a “promotion to glory” for fellow Christians. They believe that although the physical body dies, the spirit or soul of a Christian continues living in another dimension with God called heaven or “glory.” Because of these beliefs, Salvation Army funerals are characterized by sadness and grief but have underpinnings of hope and joy.

Moravian Funeral Customs

Moravian Funeral Service Rituals

Moravian funerals are similar to many other Christian traditions in that they are characterized by both grief and joy. Members of this faith grieve the loss of loved ones, but they believe that through salvation eternity is ever hopeful. Moravian believers are often heard saying that the deceased has “entered into the immediate presence of the Savior.” This is an indication of their belief that life and death are both blessings.

Reconstructionist Judaism Funeral Service Rituals

Like Reform Judaism, the Reconstructionist movement doesn’t believe in physical resurrection of the body. Instead, Reconstructionists believe that the soul returns to join the universe. Traditional Jewish burial laws forbid cremation.

Conservative Judaism Funeral Service Rituals

Conservative Jews, like others believe that funerals are a sacred rite deserving of dignity, and Jewish funeral traditions are marked by their simplicity. All people are deserving of dignity and respect, and the body retains its sanctity even after death. Conservative Judaism speaks about resurrection, but is not specific about the form it takes. It could be in a spiritual sense through remembrance by those still on earth, or in a physical sense following the appearance of the Messiah.

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February 13, 2013 — Study: Women on TV Murdered More Violently Than Men, But Why? February 7, 2013 — Exclusive "The Walking Dead" Tops Deadliest Shows on TV Study"

Hmong Funeral Customs

Hmong Funeral Service Rituals

The Hmong have a faith and culture that centers around animalistic beliefs. They believe that after death a person’s soul reincarnates as a different form. Generally speaking, the Hmong funeral is seen as a time to mourn, grieve, remember the deceased, and to talk, visit, and even laugh together.

Cross-Cultural Funeral Customs

Cross-Cultural Funeral Service Rituals

By LaVone V. Hazell, MS, FT, LFD For the past two decades, the traditional funeral rite has been in transition for various reasons: changes in social stratification due to a declining economy and shrinking resources; increased immigration to the United States; neo-local spread of the family to many geographic locations; increased demand for cremations; decline in religious practices and increased secular observances; and a shift from ancestral to contemporary funeral rites.

Making Pet Funeral Arrangements

While the concept of a pet funeral is relatively new, the value of holding a commemorative event to aid the healing process goes back to our most primitive roots. Whether you choose burial or cremation, your approach can be true to your religious views or environmental concerns. The only right approach is the one that helps you and your family say farewell to your pet. Pet Funeral Services

Deciding when to Euthanize a Pet

Pet Euthanasia

Sometimes an accident or a quickly progressing illness will take a pet’s life and relieve its owners from making a decision regarding euthanasia. More often, debilitating conditions and chronic health issues caused by aging or illness minimize a pet’s quality of life. Sometimes aging and illness can also cause chronic health issues that cause behavior problems. In some cases, unmanageable behavior can jeopardize the safety of children and other pets in the home.

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