Cremation Cost & Prepaid Cremation Plans

Prepaid cremation plans allow you to pay for cremation before you need it. In addition to the actual cremation, you can pay in advance for other elements, such as a memorial service or celebration of life. Prepaid plans are available for the full range of cremation services. Plans range from simple direct cremation (no service, […]

Second Right of Interment

What is a Second Right of Interment?

From our Mailbag: Why do I have to pay to have an urn placed in a casket or have an urn placed in the grave with the casket? The short answer is: The cemetery will charge you a fee if you want a second set of remains in the space with the first set of […]

Our Annual Planning Tips

February 2021 WHAT’S YOUR PLAN? We’re fond of saying that the best time to plan a funeral is before you need it. That’s because when you plan for your end-of-life needs, you are likely to save money and, at the same time, give your loved ones the peace of mind that comes with knowing exactly […]

Coping with Pet Loss

Pet Loss: 10 Tips for Coping With the Grief

No question about it, coping with the loss of a treasured pet is hard. The grief you feel from pet loss can be intense and complicated. In fact, that grief can be just as strong as what you experience when a human with which you have a close relationship dies. Working through grief from your […]

Put the Internet to Work for You

The days of sustaining your funeral business just by waiting for families to walk in the door is long gone. Even if you have a preneed sales program you are likely missing out on sales opportunities because today there is a whole new kind of funeral customer—the online shopper. Today’s online shoppers are sophisticated and […]

Travel Protection Plan

As our society has become increasingly mobile, the likelihood that someone will die while away from home has increased. When this happens, it opens up the often difficult world of making transportation arrangements for a dead body. There are many factors to consider when shipping human remains, and it can be costly, especially when death […]

Thank You For Your Response

We Have Received Your Contact Request We look forward to helping you with your funeral and/or transportation request. Expect to hear back from one of our advisors who can assist you in making arrangements. If you want to do more research in the mean time, you’ll find everything you need to know about funeral planning, […]

Donating Your Body to Science

Donation to Science

For some, donating their body to science is a way to help society. The hope is that by contributing to science, they may, in some small way, help to find a cure for deadly diseases like cancer. For others, the driving force behind donation is reducing cost since donating your body to science means that […]

Interment Options for Final Resting Place

Burial Options

The type of burial you have is a deeply personal decision. Many factors, such as family and religious customs, financial situation, and personal preferences, must all be taken into consideration. Like all decisions related to your final arrangements, you should weigh your burial options carefully since the decision you make is one important way your […]

Create Meaningful Ceremonies

Buying a Casket

Buying a casket is one of the most significant (and challenging) funeral products purchases you can make. They are big-ticket items with prices and features that vary widely. Fortunately, there are many beautiful selections in every price range. When buying a casket, it is not always easy to tell exactly what the price includes. To […]

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