firefighter funeral

250 Firefighter’s Attended My Grandfather’s Funeral

My grandfather died in 2007 after a very long battle with prostate cancer. For more than 30 years he had been active with the volunteer fire department where I grew up, serving as its chief for about three decades. He also was the secretary and treasurer for the state and county firefighters associations. The day […]

Conference table for making funeral arrangements with Funeralwise

Working with a Funeral Director: Arrangement Conferences

After a death has occurred there are many decisions to be made and details to be organized. The time set aside to accomplish these things is called the arrangement conference. Depending on the complexity or amount of details needed, this could take anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours. Being prepared and knowing what to expect can greatly reduce confusion and stress during this time.

At Need Funeral Contracts - What you need to know

At Need Funeral Goods and Services Contracts: What You Need to Know

When a death occurs, there are many aspects of preparing for services and final disposition. Once all the decisions have been made, arrangements must be made for payment. Regardless if the funeral was pre-funded, covered by insurance, financed, or paid at the time of service; a funeral service contract must be completed.

Law Enforcement Funeral Definitions

Badge number – The badge number of an officer suffering LODD is formally retired as part of the funeral service. Badge shroud – See Mourning Band. The period of mourning includes placing a piece of black tape or material horizontally over the center of the uniformed badge. Do not shroud a chaplain’s badge that contains a cross, a crescent, tablets, or the Star of David.

Firefighter Funeral Definitions

Definition of Words relating to Firefighter Funeral Services Badge presentationThe Fire Chief may wish to make a formal presentation of the name tag and badge worn by the fallen firefighter to the next of kin. The badge and tag should be in a framed shadow box or display that also includes a department uniform patch.

Firefighter Funerals

Firefighter Funerals & Memorial Service Rituals and Customs

It is fitting and right that firefighters, who put their lives at risk daily for the public, should be given the proper respect upon their passing. A large part of this respect includes fire department traditions, which play an important role in honoring firefighters who have passed. Full military-style honors are accorded to those heroes who die in the line of duty.

Bereaved Etiquette

Etiquette for the Surviving Family: Planning the Funeral

Arranging the Funeral Now that Your Loved One Has Died A funeral is a formal service of remembrance with the body present, in either a closed or open casket. Your funeral director or clergy can advise you on many aspects of etiquette relating to the actual funeral service. If your loved one hasn’t preplanned, you will need to make a number of decisions:

Attending Funerals

Attending Funeral Services: Your Funeral Etiquette Questions Answered

The Day of the Funeral or Memorial Service Should you attend the funeral? Unless the obituary says it’s a private service, then you can assume the public is welcome, and you should go. Until you’ve lost a family member yourself, you won’t understand what a comfort it is to the family to see “a full church [and] the pews packed with people who also care for and remember the deceased. … The family knows that attending a funeral is inconvenient, and that’s why they’ll never forget that you came.” (from The Art of Manliness)

Gangs and Funeral Service Rituals

For most people funerals are quiet and solemn affairs. They are a time to pay respects and lend comfort and support to the family members and friends of the deceased. They are a time to celebrate the life of the deceased and find closure and healing. However, for some people in cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Vancouver, funerals have become a place for rival gangs to seek their revenge and perpetuate long-standing conflicts.

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