Sharing Your End-of-Life Plans

May 2022 DO YOUR LOVED ONES KNOW WHAT YOU WANT?Creating a funeral plan can be rewarding since it lets you slow down and reflect on what’s important to you regarding end-of-life arrangements. Once your plan is in place, you know that your family won’t be burdened with trying to guess what you want when the […]

Thank you!

The Max Plan — Submit your subscription here. As a qualified agent, you can take advantage of the power of the software that sets Funeralwise apart from other funeral planning companies. When you combine that with the benefits of your FEPSA membership, you’ve got a toolbox second to none. Your status with us entitles you […]

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Digital Legacy

Your Digital Assets: Will Your Digital Legacy Live On After You’re Gone?

Many of us now rely heavily on technology to maintain our day-to-day affairs. Facebook, Pinterest, Ebay, PayPal, Etsy, online banking and email--these services are all part of our digital legacy. Even the most casual computer user has a surprising amount of electronic information stored on their computer and on the web. The trouble is, privacy laws and restrictions on terms of services for many of the most popular online services such as Google and Amazon prevent our loved ones from accessing our information once we are gone.

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Cremation Cost & Prepaid Cremation Plans

Prepaid cremation plans allow you to pay for cremation before you need it. In addition to the actual cremation, you can pay in advance for other elements, such as a memorial service or celebration of life. Prepaid plans are available for the full range of cremation services. Plans range from simple direct cremation (no service, […]

Second Right of Interment

What is a Second Right of Interment?

From our Mailbag: Why do I have to pay to have an urn placed in a casket or have an urn placed in the grave with the casket? The short answer is: The cemetery will charge you a fee if you want a second set of remains in the space with the first set of […]

We Have a Whole New Look

February 2022 FUNERALWISE HAS A NEW FRESH LOOK! Over the past few months, we’ve worked hard to give our website a cleaner, more modern feel. Of course, we’ve still got all the information you’ve come to rely on, but the new navigation is designed to make it easier to find. In addition to what you […]

We Are Grateful For You

November 2021 As we move through our day-to-day business, it’s easy to take important things for granted. For a business like ours, we rarely get to thank the people who make our work possible: you. As we head into the holiday season, we’d like to take a moment to let you know how grateful we […]

Wise Planning Workshop

Register for our Wise Planning Workshop! This 30-minute workshop has been pre-recorded for your viewing convenience. Our topic is funeral preplanning. What You Will Learn In this fast-paced workshop you will learn: Why funeral preplanning is beneficial for your family, your loved ones, those you will someday leave behind. The facts about funerals and funeral […]

How Much Will Your Funeral Cost? Try Our QuickPlan to Find Out.