XX-Music for Funerals

At any event, music sets a mood, encourages emotion and welcomes guests. A funeral is no different. During a funeral, music provides a background that invites mourners to mingle and comfort each other. Here you can listen to and download various songs that you may find appropriate for a funeral ceremony. Also, check out our Funeral Music Guide for additional information and ideas. MP3 Downloads Suggested by Funeralwise

Funeral Topics A – Z

Topics A - D A Advance Directives African-American Funerals Alternative Funeral Providers Arranging a Funeral: What You Need to Do Ásatrú Funerals Asian Funeral Flower Customs

Irish Wake Funeral Service Rituals

Irish Wake Funeral Service Rituals

Irish Wake and Funeral Customs of Old Until modern times, Irish wake customs ran the gamut from profound grieving to what appeared to be rollicking good fun. This was especially true if the deceased was elderly. This curious mixture borne of a cultural blend of paganism and Christianity survives today in a severely toned-down fashion.

Hindu Beliefs on Death and Dying

Hindu Beliefs on Dying and Death

Hindu death practices follow a similar overarching pattern with some variation by family tradition, caste, or sect. The family is the most important part of a sacred funeral rite.

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