Funeralwise Funeral Assistance Program

The Funeralwise Funeral Assistance Program (FAP) provides members of participating organizations access to individualized funeral and memorial planning assistance. The Funeralwise FAP is a unique benefit that can help you provide your members with peace of mind when it comes to end-of-life planning. The Funeralwise FAP is designed to enhance the benefits offered by all […]

Funeralwise and Agents: Working Together

Selling insurance has never been more competitive than it is now. You need an edge to stand-out from the competition. The Funeralwise Funeral Insurance Program can give you that edge and set you apart from other agents. Joining forces with Funeralwise enables you to offer a complete funeral and final expense planning solution. This provides […]

Funeralwise For Agents Insurance Program

The Funeralwise For Agents Program offers a unique opportunity for life insurance agents who want to expand their preneed insurance business. Our one-of-a-kind program enables you to join forces with Funeralwise, the leading funeral planning resource on the web. With the Funeralwise For Agents Program, you can set yourself apart from your competition by providing […]

Opportunities for Funeral Celebrants and Funeral Officiants

More than 2 million visitors come to each year for information, advice, and funeral planning tools. Many of these people are good prospects for the services of a Celebrant or Funeral Officiant.  With our broad reach, we can help you engage a new universe of clients. The Funeralwise Celebrant Program gives you access to […]

Celebrants and Funeralwise

Funeralwise shares a common goal with Funeral Celebrants – to help families celebrate a life. With that as an objective, the Funeralwise Celebrant Program brings together the powerful online presence of with the excellent personal services of Celebrants. More than ever, families are turning to the web to do their funeral planning. By joining […]

Funeral Industry Statistics: A State by State Look

The funeral industry is large and mature. According to which funeral industry statistics you follow, sales in 2019 were somewhere between $17-$20 billion. In 2015, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics listed more than 25,000 people employed in the funeral services industry. Funeral directors, undertakers, and morticians make up approximately 16,000 of these. The industry […]

Paying for a Funeral

Learning How to Pay for a Funeral

It is never easy when someone close to you dies. In the best of cases, money is set aside to cover the cost of burial and funeral. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out that way and can mean looking for how to pay for a funeral. Today’s average funeral costs more than $8,500, but that […]

Using a Funeral Celebrant

Using A Funeral Celebrant: A Growing Movement

Using A Funeral Celebrant: A Growing Movement That’s Catching Hold If you aren’t familiar with the concept of using a professional celebrant to preside at funerals and memorial services, then you aren’t alone. The idea of using a secular professional trained to lead funeral ceremonies isn’t new, but it is a relatively recent phenomenon in […]

Personalized Funeral

Making Funerals More Personal

You may have seen the latest TV ads from a national funeral home chain. The spots feature a motorcycle-themed funeral, a lap around a track for an auto racing fan, and a disco party for a dance lover. These commercials are examples of some very unique final farewells and highlight a new focus on creating […]

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