We Look Forward to Helping You

Your Information is Being Reviewed We look forward to helping you find the best policy for your funeral and final expenses. Expect to hear back from one of our advisors by email, text or phone. You should be hearing from us within the next day. As part of the insurance quote process you have received […]

Your Digital Legacy

Why You Should Think About Your Digital Legacy

If I die, will my family be able to access my Facebook page and all the photos I have stored online? As we grow more and more dependent on the Internet for communication and storage of our important documents, it is smart to be concerned about what will happen to your electronic resources if you […]

Group Affiliations — Tap into the Potential of Groups

At Funeralwise.com we're developing unique avenues to reach customers. Our services can enhance employee benefit programs, which means you can reach employees in corporations, government offices and other organizations. Through our affiliations with trade unions and associations your message travels to their members as well as members' families.

Beautiful Funeral

Laid to Rest on Her Own Acreage

A couple years back I met a group of gentle people at their favorite pub for a funeral arrangement. Wanda’s friends were stumped that I couldn’t list Wanderer as her occupation, and The Earth as the accompanying industry on her death certificate. After all, this is what she was and what she did. Her friends […]

Burial Insurance Finder & Instant Quote

Affordable Financial Protection for Your Family If you are looking for a sensible way to pay for your funeral expenses, our burial insurance policy is for you. "Final expenses" are inevitable and our policy is designed for anyone seeking a secure, flexible and affordable means of covering them.

Pet Loss & Legal Issues

Pet Legal Issues

Short-term Power of Attorney for Pet Care Every good pet owner makes sure their pet is cared for by a responsible party when they’re traveling. However, accidents happen and pets can become ill unexpectedly.

Helping Children Cope with Pet Loss

Helping Children Cope with the Death of a Pet

The death of a family pet is often the first time a child faces the passing of a loved one—and it’s important to give the event adequate attention. Too often, parents are so engulfed in the logistics and emotions surrounding the pet’s death they forget to help children grieve. Other times, children are shielded from these upsetting experiences, yet they sense something is wrong. Older children recognize this loss and can be expected to manage their emotions themselves. Typically, the subject of death is unfamiliar to children. Their friends may have experienced the loss of a family member.

Grieving the death of a spouse

Helping Someone Grieve the Death of a Spouse

Doing and Saying Just the Right Things Helping a Widow or Widower Cope with the Death of a Spouse Because couples function as a team, losing a spouse presents another set of difficulties for the bereaved person. Along with handling their grief, a surviving spouse may need financial advice or help with domestic issues. In fact, their grief often causes the spouse to die within a year after losing the partner.

Supporting children as they grieve the loss of someone

Supporting Children as They Grieve the Loss of a Friend or Family Member

Doing and Saying Just the Right Things To Help a Child Cope with Loss... Children can feel grief from loss as early as four to six months old. Like adults, children may respond to grief with humor, behavioral issues and sleep problems. Be patient and tolerant, and encourage them to share their thoughts. Here are some things you can do to support a grieving child. When you learn that a person has died…

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