What is a Death Doula?

How can a Death Doula help?

By Guest Contributor Catherine Durkin Robinson Catherine Durkin Robinson is the owner of Anitya Doula Services. She completed the End-of-Life Doula Program at the University of Vermont and is a member of the National End of Life Doula Alliance (NEDA). What is a death doula? If the pandemic highlighted anything, it’s how important it is […]

What is a Death Doula?

By Guest Contributor Catherine Durkin Robinson Catherine Durkin Robinson is the owner of Anitya Doula Services. She completed the End-of-Life Doula Program at the University of Vermont and is a member of the National End of Life Doula Alliance (NEDA). What is a death doula? If the pandemic highlighted anything, it’s how important it is […]


Learn various things about the funeral industry - businesses you only deal with those few times in life you will need them. We also cover a more modern issue - known as Digital Legacy - which is the digital footprint you leave behind in the age of online accounts and social media.

Thank You For Your Interest

Thank you for your interest in speaking with a Pre-Planning Specialist. We’ll get back to you to arrange a convenient time to talk. You will hear back from us by email and by phone. Emails sometimes land in spam folders so please keep an eye out for them. Our mission at Funeralwise is to help […]

We are Thankful for You This Year

WE ARE THANKFUL FOR YOUDespite the struggles that 2020 has brought, we at Funeralwise have much to be thankful for. We are especially thankful for you and our community. You are the reason we do what we do. When we hear that we have helped someone navigate the difficult journey that funerals bring, it is […]

Celebrant Services on the Web

Combining the resources of Celebrants and Funeralwise is the ideal way to help families create truly meaningful and memorable celebrations of life. We complement each other perfectly. Celebrants provide personalized services that Funeralwise does not offer. On the other hand, Funeralwise has a robust online presence, comprehensive information, tools, and marketing that most Celebrants do […]

The Preferred Provider Pro Plan

Our Pro Plan is an enhanced version of our free Preferred Provider program. The Pro Plan is available to funeral homes and cremation service providers who want to receive referrals from Funeralwise. How does that work? Through various sources, including our website, our Wise Planning System, and our network of insurance agents, we advise individuals […]

Funeral Costs

Are You Part of the 50%?

FUNERALS BY THE NUMBERS The Cremation Association of North America (CANA) recently confirmed what many in the industry suspected: more than half of Americans now opt for cremation. The NFDA, which also tracks funeral industry statistics, estimates that by 2025, this number will be more than 60%. Rising funeral prices for in-ground burial are a […]

Digital Dying

Have You Seen the All-New Digital Dying?

The all-new Digital Dying offers a fresh take on the trends and issues that are shaping the funeral industry. If you haven’t looked at our blog, Digital Dying, in a while, you are in for a treat. It’s got an all-new look and a fresh focus. We’ll still bring you our unique perspective on funeral […]

How Much Will Your Funeral Cost? Try Our QuickPlan to Find Out.