Seminars and Workshops

Funeralwise Seminars and Workshops help you make informed decisions regarding funeral planning, end-of-life arrangements, paying for a funeral, and other important funeral-related topics. There is no fee to attend either our in-person or virtual seminars. If you have the chance to attend one of our in-person seminars, we highly recommend that you give it a […]

Put the Internet to Work for You

The days of sustaining your funeral business just by waiting for families to walk in the door is long gone. Even if you have a preneed sales program you are likely missing out on sales opportunities because today there is a whole new kind of funeral customer—the online shopper. Today’s online shoppers are sophisticated and […]

Grief and the Holidays

Grief And The Holidays

Most of us look forward to the sights, sounds, and celebrations of the holiday season. For those who have suffered a loss, however, this time of year presents many challenges, not the least of which is how to make the difficult journey through grief when it seems all those around us are filled with joy. […]

Planning a Funeral

The Best is Yet to Come

From time to time, we like to step back and take stock of where we came from, where we are, and where we’re headed. Little did we know when we started back in 2000 as a simple website that today, we’d be the leader in providing funeral-related information. Our website has served over 17 million […]

Update Your Funeral Plan

Get Ready for Spring

For many of us, it seems like Spring will never get here. Luckily, it’s right around the corner. With that in mind, this edition of the Word to the Wise Newsletter features information to help you spruce up after a long winter. Whether it’s dusting off your funeral plan or clearing out items you no […]

Thank You For Your Response

We Have Received Your Contact Request We look forward to helping you with your funeral and/or transportation request. Expect to hear back from one of our advisors who can assist you in making arrangements. If you want to do more research in the mean time, you’ll find everything you need to know about funeral planning, […]

Thank You For Trying Our Quote Wizard

We Understand That You Are Not Interested At This Time We hope the funeral insurance quotes were helpful to your research. For future use we have saved your insurance quote information for you. Expect to receive a Welcome Email with information on how to access your Advanced Plan where you can make changes and get […]

Thank You For Trying Our Quick Plan

We appreciate your interest in our Quick Plan. Thanks for giving it a try! We will keep your Quick Plan selections for a few days and we’ll send you an email with a link to retrieve it. We hope that you will take another look at your Quick Plan and save it. Saving your Quick […]

Announcing the 2016 Memorial Day Photo Contest Winners

Chicago, IL–June 29, 2016: A photo of a service person participating in the annual Flags-In ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery was chosen as the Grand Prize Winner of the 2016 Capture Memorial Day Photo Contest. The photo, “Flags-In, Memorial Day,” submitted by Amber Knickman of Morrisville, PA, was by far the fan favorite and […]

Your Free Guide is on the Way!

Thank you for trying our Quick Plan! We hope that you will take another look at the Quick Plan, the first step in the Wise Planning System . We’re confident it can handle all your funeral planning needs. Visit our section on funeral planning for more information and feel free to contact us if you have […]

How Much Will Your Funeral Cost? Try Our QuickPlan to Find Out.