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Conference table for making funeral arrangements with Funeralwise

Working with a Funeral Director: Arrangement Conferences

After a death has occurred there are many decisions to be made and details to be organized. The time set aside to accomplish these things is called the arrangement conference. Depending on the complexity or amount of details needed, this could take anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours. Being prepared and knowing what to expect can greatly reduce confusion and stress during this time.

Law Enforcement Funeral Customs

Law Enforcement (Police) Funeral Service Rituals

Law Enforcement Funerals Law enforcement officers pledge to serve the public good and put their lives on the line daily. When they pass away, whether from circumstances in the line of duty or otherwise, their funerals should reflect honor and respect for their service and dedication.

Types of Firefighter Funerals

Types of Firefighter Funerals

Generally there are three types or levels of firefighter deaths resulting in a department funeral: Line of duty death (LODD): the firefighter died while on duty or died after an incident that was the direct cause of the later death. Full military-style honors. Non-LODD for an active or uniformed firefighter. Department funeral with some military-style honors.

Firefighter Funerals

Firefighter Funerals & Memorial Service Rituals and Customs

It is fitting and right that firefighters, who put their lives at risk daily for the public, should be given the proper respect upon their passing. A large part of this respect includes fire department traditions, which play an important role in honoring firefighters who have passed. Full military-style honors are accorded to those heroes who die in the line of duty.

New Funeralwise Survey Shows Contrasting Funeral Choices

People Prefer Either a “Celebration of Life” or No Funeral At All Chicago, IL – The new survey conducted by revealed an important finding for the funeral industry – almost half of those surveyed would like a “celebration of life” ceremony versus only 11% that prefer a traditional funeral. Also, a startling fact came to light – over 30% do not want a funeral.

Moravian Funeral Customs

Moravian Funeral Service Rituals

Moravian funerals are similar to many other Christian traditions in that they are characterized by both grief and joy. Members of this faith grieve the loss of loved ones, but they believe that through salvation eternity is ever hopeful. Moravian believers are often heard saying that the deceased has “entered into the immediate presence of the Savior.” This is an indication of their belief that life and death are both blessings.

Death and Taxes – Offers a "Tax Rebate"

Las Vegas, NV April 5, 2010 – Since the only things certain in life are death and taxes, is offering to ease the burden with free funeral planning and “tax rebates” of up to $500 to individuals who register on their website.

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