Thank You For Trying Our Quote Wizard

We Understand That You Are Not Interested At This Time We hope the funeral insurance quotes were helpful to your research. For future use we have saved your insurance quote information for you. Expect to receive a Welcome Email with information on how to access your Advanced Plan where you can make changes and get […]

Cremation Services: Costs

Cost of Cremation – Understanding the Prices

Asking how much cremation costs sounds like a straightforward question. Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as it sounds. The actual price of a cremation will depend on where you live and what type of services you choose. Even within your local area, prices vary widely depending on your selected provider. For example, the cost of […]

Organ Donation

Word to the Wise Newsletters

Subscribe to our newsletter. Don’t worry; we only send out a newsletter about four times a year, and you can unsubscribe at any time. Please sign me up for the WORD TO THE WISE NEWSLETTER! By clicking “Add Me to the List,” you agree to receive emails from Funeralwise. These messages may include the requested […]

Preferred Provider Information invites funeral directors, funeral homes, cemeteries and other funeral services take advantage of our business resources.

Word to the Wise Guides

Word to the Wise: A Series of Guides

  Advice to Live By — Our Handy Guides The WORD TO THE WISE series is a set of handy reference guides from These concise guides provide tips and information about funeral etiquette, funeral customs, buying funeral products and services, and much more. Among the Guides you can expect to receive are: Guide to […]

Let Us Power Your Preneed

We work in an industry that is constantly evolving. It’s tough to keep pace between changes in culture, the norms surrounding dealing with death, and rapidly advancing technology. Despite that, some things never change. Families continue to seek practical and personalized solutions to navigate the complexities of end-of-life planning. Offering a comprehensive preneed insurance program […]

Thank you!

The Max Plan — Submit your subscription here. As a qualified agent, you can take advantage of the power of the software that sets Funeralwise apart from other funeral planning companies. When you combine that with the benefits of your FEPSA membership, you’ve got a toolbox second to none. Your status with us entitles you […]

Our Annual Planning Tips

February 2021 WHAT’S YOUR PLAN? We’re fond of saying that the best time to plan a funeral is before you need it. That’s because when you plan for your end-of-life needs, you are likely to save money and, at the same time, give your loved ones the peace of mind that comes with knowing exactly […]

The Preferred Provider Pro Plan

Our Pro Plan is an enhanced version of our free Preferred Provider program. The Pro Plan is available to funeral homes and cremation service providers who want to receive referrals from Funeralwise. How does that work? Through various sources, including our website, our Wise Planning System, and our network of insurance agents, we advise individuals […]

How Much Will Your Funeral Cost? Try Our QuickPlan to Find Out.