At Need Funeral Contracts - What you need to know

At Need Funeral Goods and Services Contracts: What You Need to Know

When a death occurs, there are many aspects of preparing for services and final disposition. Once all the decisions have been made, arrangements must be made for payment. Regardless if the funeral was pre-funded, covered by insurance, financed, or paid at the time of service; a funeral service contract must be completed.

Death and Taxes – Offers a "Tax Rebate"

Las Vegas, NV April 5, 2010 – Since the only things certain in life are death and taxes, is offering to ease the burden with free funeral planning and “tax rebates” of up to $500 to individuals who register on their website.

Cross-Cultural Funeral Customs

Cross-Cultural Funeral Service Rituals

By LaVone V. Hazell, MS, FT, LFD For the past two decades, the traditional funeral rite has been in transition for various reasons: changes in social stratification due to a declining economy and shrinking resources; increased immigration to the United States; neo-local spread of the family to many geographic locations; increased demand for cremations; decline in religious practices and increased secular observances; and a shift from ancestral to contemporary funeral rites.

Funeral Trusts and Payable on Death Accounts

A trust is a good way to set aside money for your funeral costs. A Funeral Trust is created in connection with a contract for pre-arrangements with a funeral home or cemetery. That is when you are contracting in advance for funeral or burial services. Whereas a Payable on Death Account (POD) is one you […]

Funeral Topics A – Z

Topics A - D A Advance Directives African-American Funerals Alternative Funeral Providers Arranging a Funeral: What You Need to Do Ásatrú Funerals Asian Funeral Flower Customs

New Orleans Second Line Funeral Procession

New Orleans Jazz Funeral Service Rituals

The tradition of the New Orleans jazz funeral has fallen away somewhat in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, but has not been forgotten. Although the wild music and dancing has, historically, flown in the face of prevailing sentiments about the required solemnity of the traditional memorial service, the New Orleans jazz funeral grew throughout the 20th century to achieve its own respected standing among the many ways to commemorate the passage of a loved one.

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See interviews with Funeralwise co-founders Larry Anspach and Rick Paskin for the Empowering Minds Series with Martin Sheen

A How-to Guide for Making Funeral Arrangements

What To Do When Someone Dies Here you can learn what to do if a friend or loved one has just died or if death is expected sometime soon. The following guides will take you through the steps of arranging a funeral from making the first call when someone dies to the various arrangements to be made following the funeral.

How Much Will Your Funeral Cost? Try Our QuickPlan to Find Out.