Funeral and Burial Insurance

When considering funeral expense insurance, it's essential to understand the coverage. This guide aims to clarify the benefits and options available to you. The best funeral insurance offers financial support for end-of-life expenses. Help your loved ones find relief at a difficult time. It allows you to choose the coverage that best fits your needs and budget. Cover the costs of your burial and funeral by planning ahead. There's nothing better than knowing you've got your affairs in order. Secure peace of mind knowing your final wishes will be honored and your loved ones supported on your final journey.

Funeralwise For Agents Insurance Program

The Funeralwise For Agents Program offers a unique opportunity for life insurance agents who want to expand their preneed insurance business. Our one-of-a-kind program enables you to join forces with Funeralwise, the leading funeral planning resource on the web. With the Funeralwise For Agents Program, you can set yourself apart from your competition by providing […]

Prepaid Funeral Plan

Prepaid Funeral Plans: Is one right for you?

Is a prepaid funeral plan the right choice for you? Let’s explore the pros, cons, and alternatives. Have you considered how the funeral your loved ones choose for you would be different than one you plan for yourself? Remember, someone else will do it for you if you haven’t created your plan. In addition to […]

Funeral Planning Checklist

Must-Have Items for A Funeral Planning Checklist

Until you go through the funeral planning process, it’s hard to imagine how many decisions are required. To make matters worse, all these crucial decisions must be made during a time of loss and grief. When you preplan, your family avoids the stress of guessing what you would have wanted. A well-thought-out funeral planning checklist […]

Funeralwise For Agents FAQ

If you’ve recently joined the Funeralwise for Agents Program or are considering joining, you may have a few questions about the program. We’ve gathered the questions we hear most often, along with the answers. If you have a question that isn’t covered below, just let us know by emailing

Funeral Planning Advice from a Chatbot

March 2023 Artificial Intelligence and the Funeral Industry If you follow the news, you’ve likely seen many stories lately about artificial intelligence. From bots that write essays and create images to videos where you can’t tell real from imagined, AI is everywhere these days. AI has the potential to transform many industries, including the funeral […]

Estate, Financial & Administrative Matters after Death

After the Funeral: What You Need To Do

Following the funeral a variety of estate, financial, and administrative matters must be addressed. Maintaining organized personal records will be most helpful to the people responsible for these tasks following your death. The tasks that may need to be done include:

Get the Best Policy for Your Funeral Expenses

Finding a policy to cover the costs of your funeral is not easy. Even the terminology can be confusing. The policies are referred to as burial insurance, funeral insurance, and final expense insurance. How do you make sense of this and find the best policy? We can help! We can give you what every savvy […]

How Much Will Your Funeral Cost? Try Our QuickPlan to Find Out.