Funeralwise Funeral Assistance Program

The Funeralwise Funeral Assistance Program (FAP) provides members of participating organizations access to individualized funeral and memorial planning assistance. The Funeralwise FAP is a unique benefit that can help you provide your members with peace of mind when it comes to end-of-life planning. The Funeralwise FAP is designed to enhance the benefits offered by all […]

Wise Planning System or Prepaid Funeral Plan

Do I need the Wise Planning System if I have a prepaid funeral plan?

Question: Why do I need the Funeralwise Wise Planning System if I already have a prepaid plan through a funeral home. Answer: The Wise Planning System is a powerful tool that offers things your prepaid plan doesn’t — like ceremony planning, checklists, storing personal and genealogical information, and more. When you buy a prepaid plan […]

The Preferred Provider Pro Plan

Our Pro Plan is an enhanced version of our free Preferred Provider program. The Pro Plan is available to funeral homes and cremation service providers who want to receive referrals from Funeralwise. How does that work? Through various sources, including our website, our Wise Planning System, and our network of insurance agents, we advise individuals […]

Put the Internet to Work for You

The days of sustaining your funeral business just by waiting for families to walk in the door is long gone. Even if you have a preneed sales program you are likely missing out on sales opportunities because today there is a whole new kind of funeral customer—the online shopper. Today’s online shoppers are sophisticated and […]

Funeral Industry Statistics: A State by State Look

The funeral industry is large and mature. According to which funeral industry statistics you follow, sales in 2019 were somewhere between $17-$20 billion. In 2015, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics listed more than 25,000 people employed in the funeral services industry. Funeral directors, undertakers, and morticians make up approximately 16,000 of these. The industry […]

Paying for a Funeral

Learning How to Pay for a Funeral

It is never easy when someone close to you dies. In the best of cases, money is set aside to cover the cost of burial and funeral. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out that way and can mean looking for how to pay for a funeral. Today’s average funeral costs more than $8,500, but that […]

Funeral Costs

Are You Part of the 50%?

FUNERALS BY THE NUMBERS The Cremation Association of North America (CANA) recently confirmed what many in the industry suspected: more than half of Americans now opt for cremation. The NFDA, which also tracks funeral industry statistics, estimates that by 2025, this number will be more than 60%. Rising funeral prices for in-ground burial are a […]

Digital Dying

Have You Seen the All-New Digital Dying?

The all-new Digital Dying offers a fresh take on the trends and issues that are shaping the funeral industry. If you haven’t looked at our blog, Digital Dying, in a while, you are in for a treat. It’s got an all-new look and a fresh focus. We’ll still bring you our unique perspective on funeral […]

Grief and the Holidays

Grief And The Holidays

Most of us look forward to the sights, sounds, and celebrations of the holiday season. For those who have suffered a loss, however, this time of year presents many challenges, not the least of which is how to make the difficult journey through grief when it seems all those around us are filled with joy. […]

Funerals and Covid


Funerals in the time of COVID Part 2 There’s an old saying about taking things for granted that goes something like, “you don’t miss something until it’s gone.” If nothing else, COVID-19 has put an exclamation point on that. Since the beginning of the pandemic, we’ve discovered a lot of things we’ve taken for granted. […]

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