Paying for a Funeral Frequently Asked Questions

Paying for a Funeral FAQs

Deciding how to pay for a funeral can be a challenge. This is especially true if the death was unexpected or the deceased made no arrangements in advance. The best way by far to make sure that the resources you need when the time comes are there is to plan in advance. Of course, this […]

A Technology That Will Help You Plan Your Funeral

WILMETTE, Ill., Sept. 19, 2017 — More people than ever are turning to online funeral planning to fight rising funeral costs and to design more personalized services. With the latest release of its Wise Planning System, has taken online funeral planning technology to the next level. This new generation funeral planner makes it easier […]

Funeral Regulations

Funeral Home General Price List

A key requirement of the FTC’s Funeral Rule is that funeral homes must provide consumers with information in person or over the phone regarding prices BEFORE they start shopping or discussing services. The industry refers to the price list as a General Price List (GPL). Besides a list of prices for funeral services, funeral homes must show consumers […]

What should I know about Funeral Providers?

What should I Know about Funeral Providers?

Funeral Directors Do I need to hire a Funeral Director? In the simpler times of early America, families were accustomed to handling funeral arrangements themselves or with the help of friends. It was a rural society and a “do-it-yourself” approach was a necessity. Even then, it was a difficult undertaking resulting in the emergence of […]

Organ Donation

Word to the Wise Newsletters

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Funeral planning and prefunding

Planning a Funeral Ahead of Time and Prepaying

Why should I plan my funeral ahead of time? Funeral arrangements will be a consideration for us all at some point in time and there are advantages to making them in advance. Funeral planning in advance: Puts you in control of your arrangements and ensures your wishes will be known. Provides social, psychological and emotional […]

Hmong Funeral Customs

Hmong Funeral Service Rituals

The Hmong have a faith and culture that centers around animalistic beliefs. They believe that after death a person’s soul reincarnates as a different form. Generally speaking, the Hmong funeral is seen as a time to mourn, grieve, remember the deceased, and to talk, visit, and even laugh together.

Deceased Transportation

Deceased Transportation

Inter-city Transportation of Human Remains In many cases a loved one's body is initially transferred from the place of death to a local funeral home (i.e., the "first call" funeral home) and then subsequently transported to another city for funeral ceremonies and/or burial. If this is your situation, you'll need two funeral homes - one locally to handle the first call, and a second one in the final destination city.

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