Digital Dying

Have You Seen the All-New Digital Dying?

The all-new Digital Dying offers a fresh take on the trends and issues that are shaping the funeral industry. If you haven’t looked at our blog, Digital Dying, in a while, you are in for a treat. It’s got an all-new look and a fresh focus. We’ll still bring you our unique perspective on funeral […]

Grief and the Holidays

Grief And The Holidays

Most of us look forward to the sights, sounds, and celebrations of the holiday season. For those who have suffered a loss, however, this time of year presents many challenges, not the least of which is how to make the difficult journey through grief when it seems all those around us are filled with joy. […]

Preplanning Your Funeral

Regardless of your age or financial situation, it’s smart to preplan your funeral. That way, your family will know exactly what you want when the time comes. Even better, you get to make your own decisions about the type of funeral you want. As an added benefit, when you preplan your funeral, you can better control the […]

Planning Your Funeral

Planning Your Funeral – No Money Needed!

Preplanning is not prepaying. When you think about planning a funeral in advance, you probably assume you’ll have to break out the checkbook. Think again. Preplanning and prepaying are NOT the same thing. There is a big difference between creating a funeral plan and buying one. You can prepare a comprehensive plan for how you would […]

biodegradable casket

Green Funeral Products

One of the smartest things business owners can do today is look for ways to incorporate green practices like green funeral products in every possible aspect of operations. It can save businesses money when it comes to operating costs, but it can also help attract a growing number of potential clients who are insisting that […]

Donating Your Body to Science

Donation to Science

For some, donating their body to science is a way to help society. The hope is that by contributing to science, they may, in some small way, help to find a cure for deadly diseases like cancer. For others, the driving force behind donation is reducing cost since donating your body to science means that […]

Interment Options for Final Resting Place

Burial Options

The type of burial you have is a deeply personal decision. Many factors, such as family and religious customs, financial situation, and personal preferences, must all be taken into consideration. Like all decisions related to your final arrangements, you should weigh your burial options carefully since the decision you make is one important way your […]

Casket Questions

Caskets: Frequently Asked Questions

Our Caskets Frequently Asked Questions page covers the seven casket questions we hear most often. From cost to whether or not you have to purchase your casket through a funeral home, we can help.

Guide to buying Funeral Products

Buying Funeral and Memorial Products

Without a doubt, buying funeral products can be the most challenging aspect of planning a funeral. Not only do you need to decide what products you need, but you have to determine the best way to buy them. You want to shop wisely, but you also want to choose products that will appropriately honor your […]

Paying for a funeral when there is no money

How to Pay For A Funeral When There Isn’t Any Money

It is never easy when someone close to you dies. It can be even harder if you are left to make the arrangements. Even harder still if there is no money to pay for a funeral. In the best of cases, there is money set aside to cover the cost of burial and funeral. Unfortunately, […]

How Much Will Your Funeral Cost? Try Our QuickPlan to Find Out.