Making Pet Funeral Arrangements

While the concept of a pet funeral is relatively new, the value of holding a commemorative event to aid the healing process goes back to our most primitive roots. Whether you choose burial or cremation, your approach can be true to your religious views or environmental concerns. The only right approach is the one that helps you and your family say farewell to your pet. Pet Funeral Services

Funeral Songs

Selecting Funeral Songs for Ceremonies

At any event, music sets a mood, encourages emotion and welcomes guests. A funeral is no different. During a funeral, music provides a background that invites mourners to mingle and comfort each other. Ideally, musical selections should:

Buddhist Funeral Service Rituals

Note: Buddhist funeral customs vary between traditions or “schools” and even within schools, depending on the country—for example, Zen in Taiwan and Zen in Japan are different. The following information is generalized to fit many or most Buddhist traditions. If you have specific questions relating to Buddhist funeral customs for an individual sect, we recommend […]

Funeral Customs

Funeral Customs by Religion, Ethnicity and Culture

Funeral Customs by Religion, Ethnicity and Culture Here you can learn what to expect when attending the funeral services of a different religion or culture. Information includes an overview of each group's beliefs concerning death and the afterlife. How they regard grief and unique aspects of their funeral ceremonies and customs are also discussed.

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