We are Thankful for You This Year

Word to the Wise Newsletter
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Despite the struggles that 2020 has brought, we at Funeralwise have much to be thankful for. We are especially thankful for you and our community. You are the reason we do what we do. When we hear that we have helped someone navigate the difficult journey that funerals bring, it is all worth it to us, and it motivates us to find new ways to make planning a funeral easier.

This holiday season, we hope you can find your reasons to be thankful, and we offer a reminder that we are here if you need us. Thank you!

Sympathy Meal


When someone dies we look for ways to reach out to their loved ones to show that we are thinking of them. It’s easy to understand why we turn to food since meals are often associated with comfort, tradition, and a spirit of sharing. In fact, we find references to funeral food dating back to ancient Egypt.

Deciding to offer a friend or family member a sympathy meal is easy. Deciding what to make, not quite so simple. There are many ways to approach the task, and your choice of cuisine is nearly unlimited. Not to worry, though. We can help you select the perfect menu. We’ve compiled a list of questions you can ask and things to consider to help you get started. We’ve also got tips and menu suggestions to help spark your creativity.

To learn more about sympathy food, click here.

Do you have a favorite recipe that we can include in our collection?

We’d love to have it. We are currently seeking both sympathy meal and funeral reception food ideas. Send your recipes to support@funeralwise.com. Naturally, if we post your recipe we’ll give you full attribution.

>>Read: Celebrations of Life — Funeral Food

>>Read: Funeral Food Recipes

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If you are grieving or know someone who is, we have resources on our website that may help. If you feel overwhelmed, we encourage you to seek help. Visit our Path to Healing page.

Grief Over the Holidays


Even under the best circumstances, holidays present challenges for those experiencing grief. This year will likely be particularly hard since we must forego many longstanding traditions due to the pandemic.

Our article, Handling Grief During the Holidays, offers helpful advice on avoiding some of the pitfalls of mourning during a festive time. Many tips in the article apply even in these unusual times. Our website also offers valuable information to help you understand grief and what you can expect when faced with the loss of a loved one. Always remember that if you feel your grief is just too much for you to handle, reach out to a friend, a loved one, or an organization that specializes in helping people work through troubled times.

>>More on Grief

Funeral Music


No matter your culture and traditions, music helps set the tone for the ceremony and offers a bridge to help you work your way down the long road through grief.

Unfortunately, the music that is selected is often rushed and done at a time when emotions are high. You quickly pick from a list the funeral director offers and move on to the next task. It doesn’t have to be that way. With a bit of preplanning, you can choose music that honors the deceased and brings to mind the memories you share.

Our website offers a comprehensive listing of popular and unique funeral music selections and tips for choosing the right music. We encourage you to look to know what’s there if you need it. If you have a suggestion for a song you don’t see on our lists, please share it with us.

>>More on Funeral Music

If you haven’t gotten an invitation and want to share your opinion, email us at support@funeralwise.com. To see more reviews, click on the stars below.

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