Using A Funeral Celebrant: A Growing Movement

February 2019 Newsletter
Using a Funeral Celebrant

Using A Funeral Celebrant: A Growing Movement That’s Catching Hold

If you aren’t familiar with the concept of using a professional celebrant to preside at funerals and memorial services, then you aren’t alone. The idea of using a secular professional trained to lead funeral ceremonies isn’t new, but it is a relatively recent phenomenon in North America.

The profession of funeral celebrant developed in Australia in the 1970s when the government identified the need for specialists trained to officiate at wedding ceremonies. With success conducting weddings, the celebrants began applying their skills to funerals as well. The concept quickly spread throughout Australia and the UK. During the late 1990s, the movement began to take hold in North America.

The use of funeral celebrants in this country is still in its early stages, but there is already a vibrant and growing population of professional funeral celebrants in the United States. We think the use of funeral celebrants is a trend that will continue to take hold.

To help the Funeralwise community learn more about using celebrants, we have added new content to our site and now feature celebrants in our Preferred Provider Directory. If you are a Funeral Celebrant and would like to be added to our directory, click here.

>>Read Funeral Celebrants: Creating Personalized Ceremonies
>>Download our Guide to Using a Funeral Celebrant

What to say when someone loses a pet.


If you’ve ever lost a treasured family pet then you know how hard it is. You may also know how difficult it can be to know what to say to someone who is struggling with the grief of saying goodbye to a pet. To help, we’ve complied a list of things you can say to show your support and understanding. View the list or click on the link below.

We understand how intense pet loss grief can be, so we’ve developed a number of resources to address the topic. To learn more about dealing with the loss of a pet and see our tips for dealing with the grief, visit our section on Coping with the Loss of a Pet.


Travel Protection Plan


You’ve probably haven’t thought much about what will happen if you die while you are away from home. Unfortunately, this may be something you should consider since we Americans do love to travel.

Dying away from home can be an expensive proposition. Depending on where you are, you will need the services of two funeral directors and a carrier to get your remains from where to you passed away to your home town.

Luckily, there are now plans that can protect you should this happen. Click on the button below to learn more.


Funeral PrePlanning


Do you assume that funeral planning means you have to pay up front? Of course, there’s nothing wrong with paying in advance but you don’t have to. Even if you don’t want to pay for your funeral expenses up front, you can still pre-plan because the best time to plan your funeral is BEFORE you need it. Check out our article on preplanning without prepaying.

Our online funeral planner allows you to record your wishes in as much or as little detail as you want without spending a penny. See how you can do your planning for free with our Wise Planning System. Or read more about preplanning by clicking the button below. Already have a Funeralwise plan? Login here.


Digital Dying Blog


Have you visited our Digital Dying blog recently? It’s got an all new look and a fresh focus.

Digital Dying presents our unique perspective on funeral customs past and present, We also take a vibrant look forward by covering topics relating to Funerals of the Future, news relating to funerals and funeral customs,and the people that are shaping the industry.

Funeralwise continues to find new ways to help people make the difficult decisions that come with end-of-life. Our goal is to help you prepare for the inevitable, celebrate life, and remember those who have gone before us.


We’re Now on Trustpilot

We have partnered with the independent online review service, Trustpilot, to collect reviews. If you’ve reviewed us, thank you. To see more reviews, click on the stars below. If you haven’t gotten an invitation and you’d like to share your opinion, email us at and we’ll send you an invitation. You can also offer a review through the website.

Have you tried our online planner yet? Why not take a few minutes to do that today. Remember… the best time to plan a funeral is BEFORE you need it.

Try the Planner is the place to go on the web for everything you need to know about funerals. Whether you are planning a funeral or attending one, we will provide you with straight-forward answers to your questions and step-by-step instructions to guide you on your way.

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