Retirement Plan vs Funeral Plan

August 2021

Are you taking the right approach to funeral planning?
For most of us, planning for retirement is an ongoing process. We start early in our careers, tweaking and refining as we go. As life events call for it, we modify the plan.
Crucial to any retirement plan is a set of financial estimates for how we plan to get to where we want to be. We modify the plan if we don’t have the money to meet our objectives. This “update as you go” planning strategy for retirement is tried and true.
When it comes to final expense planning, however, the typical approach is to create a detailed plan for how we want our body to be taken care of and what our ceremony should look like. We may include other end-of-life concerns, but that’s pretty much it. The plan sits in a drawer and gathers dust. On top of that, our end-of-life plans often neglect to consider how we will pay for them.
Instead of using a one-shot approach to funeral planning, why not look at it like we do for retirement? Create a plan, including a strategy to pay for it, and update it as your needs change. Thinking about end-of-life planning this way is likely a big change and may not be easy. Funeralwise can help. Our latest Forums article offers more insight into the topic. It also has links to tools designed to help you meet your goals. Why not take a look now?
>>Read The Full Article

One of the most powerful features of our Wise Planning System Complete Plan is the ability of your Plan Guardians to “activate” your plan when the time comes. An upgrade is available if you currently have the Wise Plan Essentials Version and would like access to the “activate” feature.
Activating the plan turns on helpful features when the time comes to make final arrangements.
On activation, helpful tools are added to your plan. These tools include:
- Post-Funeral Checklist
- Arrangements Checklist
- Address Book and Death Notification Messaging Tool
- Collection of Vital Information
If you aren’t sure which version of the Wise Planning System you have, log in to your plan and click MY ACCOUNT on the left-hand menu. Your plan type is displayed at the top.
For more information on the Wise Planning System, click here. You can also email us at We are always happy to answer your questions and provide additional information.

We have good news if you are looking for a comprehensive solution to end-of-life planning. Funeralwise now offers the Funeralwise Protection Plan. The Plan is designed to help people design their meaningful funeral and ensure sufficient funds are available to pay for it. What better gift to give your loved ones than the peace of mind of knowing that when the time comes, you’ve got it covered.
To see if the Protection Plan is right for you, click on the button below.

As cremation becomes increasingly more popular, the question of what to do with the ashes often arises. You have lots of options! Among the most common are:
- In-ground burial or niche placement
- Scattering
- Display in a decorative urn
- Creation of an art piece or jewelry
To learn more about the many options for handling ashes, read our Forums article.
Why not take a few minutes to get started today? TRY THE PLANNER
Take a few minutes to make sure it’s up-to-date. GO TO YOUR PLAN is the place to go online for everything you need about funerals. Whether planning a funeral or attending one, we will provide straightforward answers to your questions and step-by-step instructions to guide you on your way.v