Funeral Insurance Program FAQs

While Funeralwise is essentially a funeral resource with everything you need to know about funerals, funeral planning is the core content of the site. Thousands of individuals have created funeral plans in the Funeralwise Wise Planning System. To provide these funeral planners a financial solution for their plans, Funeralwise established an Independent Marketing Association (IMO) to offer funeral insurance policies. Through the Funeralwise IMO, agents can offer final expense and preneed insurance options in their markets.
Funeralwise agents have all the tools they need to be successful in selling preneed and final expense insurance. They have exclusive “back-office” access to the Funeralwise Wise Planning System, including use of an Advisor Dashboard with state-of-the-art tools for funeral planning and insurance quoting. Also, Funeralwise agents are listed in the Final Expense Advisor Directory on, the leading funeral resource on the web.
But that’s not all. Funeralwise agents also get the impressive array of sales and marketing resources from affiliations with FEPSA and Premier Preneed. All together, Funeralwise agents have the benefit of unparalleled support.
Yes, Funeralwise does generate leads and has a referral program for its agents.
> Advisor Dashboard to access all resources and manage client relationships.
> Advisor Directory Listing on
> Wise Planning System “Complete Plan” for your clients (a $79.95 value per client).
> Proprietary Preneed Insurance Quoter.
> Final Expense Insurance Quoter (a $25/month value).
> Series of Word to the Wise Guides for your clients.
> Funeral Planning e-book for your clients (a $29.95 value)
> Video Training University
> Lead Generation Opportunities
> Premier Preneed Resources, including: Premier 360 CRM System (a value of $250/ month or more), and the Premier Preneed Marketing Program for Funeral Homes.
To get more information, complete our short information request form. We’ll get back to you with more information on how you can take advantage of the full range of resources offered by Funeralwise.