Assemblies of God Funeral Service Rituals

Assemblies of God Funeral ServicesThe Assemblies of God were formed in 1914 when mainstream churches separated themselves from the revival movement whose members spoke in tongues and made claims of divine healing. The phenomenon was and still is, associated with the coming of the Holy Spirit. Revivalists became known as Pentecostals. Enthusiastic proselytizing has helped the Assemblies of God increase membership.

Since the early 1990s, significant growth has occurred in the southwestern U.S., especially among Hispanics. Their doctrine asserts that the Bible is divinely inspired and infallible. Humanity is believed to be good, but sinning brings physical and spiritual death. As in most other Christian denominations, Christ is the only salvation.

The Assemblies of God funeral is conducted by a pastor and often includes a musician who leads the songs. There is usually an open casket, but guests are not expected to view the body. Guests are expected to rise and sit with the congregation, but participating in the prayers or songs is optional. Graveside attendance is also based on personal preference.

Assembly of God Funeral Customs Quick Reference Guide
Length of Service 30 – 60 minutes
Flowers? Yes (See our Sympathy Flowers)
Food? Yes
Dress Code? (Men/Women) Dark
Recording Devices? Possibly
Source of Readings? Bible
Open Casket? Usually
Return to Work? (Days) 7 – 14 days
No. of Days to Mourn? Depends
Embalming? Embalming is permitted.
Cremation? Burial is the preferred method.
Body/Organ Donation? Left up to the individual.

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