Is it improper for cars in a funeral procession to pass the hearse once we get to the cemetery?

Forums User
12 years ago

My question is:
Is it improper for cars in the procession to pass the hearse once we get to the cemetery?

My co-worker prides herself to make me look like I dont know what I’m doing. I stopped cars behind the hearse and she usurped my authority by allowing some cars to pass the hearse before the pallbearers or anyone could assist with unloading the casket. I may be a rookie but I do believe that passing the hearse is not proper etiquette.

Incidently, an omen happened…. the first car she instructed to park in front of the lead car wouldnt start after the committal service ended.

If someone out there could please document the rules of a procession from the church to cemetery to the repast luncheon. Some people (mainly my know it all co-worker just doesnt know who and in what order to line up between the lead car and hearse.

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