Foreigner buried in Samoa


7 years, 6 months ago

We live in Samoa since 2009. We have a dual citizenship American and Samoan. Our son came to visit us in 2012 and committed suicide. We own property on freehold land, which is paid for and we hold the title. We want to move back to the States but we are being told we have to dig up my son’s grave, wash the bones and dry in the sun. Out Samoan oil on the bones, put the bones in a sack and gave the bones inspected by the police and the hospital, then buy a new plot in a cemetery and re bury him!

1. If we still own the land why do we have to dig my son up.

2. Our goal is to sell the property, why can’t we just dig up the coffin and rebury the coffin, why do we need to be traumatized by opening his coffin and washing his bones??

Please help me. This goes outside of our religious convictions and does not seem right to force this activity on an American citizen.

The trauma this will have on us as parents is beyond comprehension.

Jennifer Lane
7 years, 6 months ago

We are so very sorry about the loss of your son in 2012 as well as for what you are dealing with now. I completely understand why what you have been told is unthinkable and would renew the trauma of losing your son all over again.

The best that I can do to assist you is to recommend that you contact the U.S. Embassy in Samoa for assistance in this matter to see if they can help or refer you to someone who can be of assistance. If you click the link, you will see their contact information on the right side of the page in the area labeled “Contact Us”.

We wish you the best in resolving this in a way that brings peace for and your family.

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