Can I use printed address labels on thank you notes?

11 years, 8 months ago

Is it ok to use printed address labels on the thank you or acknowledgement notes?

Jenny Mertes
11 years, 8 months ago

First, if you’ve lost someone dear to you, I want to express my sympathy. When you say preprinted labels, I’m unsure whether you mean the address of the person to whom you’re sending the note, or your own return address. While a return address label would barely be noticed by most people (who will probably be shocked and grateful to receive anything personal in the mail), it is still preferable to hand write the address of the recipient for any type of personal thank-you note. A variety of reasons can make hand writing impractical, though (shaky or unreadable writing, for example), so this isn’t a hard and fast rule. The most important thing is to thank the people who have been supportive in your time of loss.

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