Can a deceased person have more than 1 burial plot?

5 years, 6 months ago

My father passed away in January 2019, and I’m his next of kin and I’m the one who has/had set up his burial services. He had no funeral plans made at the time of his passing. I knew my father wanted to be cremated, so I got him cremated. Since my dad was a veteran, the veteran cemetery is holding a place for him so I can bury his ashes when I’m ready to bury him. My aunt (his sister), is saying she will be purchasing a plot for my dad at a different cemetery. I question is can my deceased father have 2 different plots, one in a veteran cemetery and one not in a veteran cemetery? This is taking place in Iowa if that helps

Jennifer Lane
5 years, 6 months ago

I am very sorry to hear about your dad – I certainly know that is tough to deal with.

As for your question, since your dad was cremated, I see no reason why you couldn’t divide his ashes and bury them in two places. Your aunt will have costs not just for the grave she is purchasing, but also for the interment of the ashes. She will need to check with the cemetery there to see what they require, as they may also require an “urn vault” (outer container that the ashes would go into for the burial.)

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