Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetery

While Veterans Cemeteries across the nation will hold special celebrations in honor of Memorial Day, no place is the holiday more revered than at Arlington National ...

Beware! Beware the Ides of March

Well, it's that day again: March 15. Also known as the Ides of March, we're supposed to beware. Why? What's so ominous about March 15? ...

Frozen Dead Guy and how he started a festival.

From all accounts, Norwegian Bredo Morstoel’s 1989 death from a heart condition wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. Bredo’s story certainly didn’t stay ordinary though. ...

David Bowie, And The Art of Dying

“David Bowie died the way he lived,” said the Australian newscaster Richard Wilkins, “with dignity and style, a class act all the way.”