United Church of Christ Funeral Service Rituals

United Church of Christ Funeral Customs
St Luke United Church of Christ in Blackwater, Missouri.

The United Church of Christ was formed in 1957 when the Congregational Christian Church and Evangelical and Reformed Church. Local congregations are viewed as representations of Jesus on earth. They elect their own pastors and determine policies.

Local churches, however, are grouped into “associations,” which are part of regional groups called “conferences.” The Churches Central governing body is called the “General Synod.” Most of the membership is in located in the East and Midwestern U.S.

The funeral service acknowledges the pain of loss, but the promise of eternity with God after death for those who follow Jesus Christ. There is rarely an open casket, but when there is, viewing the body is optional. A minister presides over the service.

Guests may sit wherever they choose and join in any part of the service. If they are uncomfortable participating, they should simply remain seated.

United Church of Christ Quick Reference Guide
Length of Service 15 – 30 minutes
Flowers? Yes (See our Sympathy Flowers)
Food? Yes
Dress Code? (Men/Women) Dark & Somber / Men: Jacket & Tie
Recording Devices? No
Source of Readings? The Bible
Open Casket? Rarely
Return to Work? (Days) Depends
No. of Days to Mourn? Depends
Embalming?  Up to the individual
Cremation?  Consult with your pastor
Body/Organ Donation?  No official position, up to the individual
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