My husband designs and creates custom wood urns and one of his clients this past year wrote an endearing and unique letter after she received her urn that was made by my husband, Luke Thornton.
Here is what she wrote:
“Luke, I can’t really tell you in so many words what you meant to me over this past year. All I know is that your kindness and compassion in helping me create the urn of mine and my husband’s dreams was the wisest choice I ever made. It was such a hard time for me, as such times usually are for people, and with a sense of calm and patience you explained things to me in a way I could understand and let me feel like I was part of the process. I was doing SOMETHING in the wake of my husband’s death. It made me feel useful and I needed that badly right then. I am so very proud of our creation and I recommend you to anyone needing your kinds of services. I wish there was more I could do for you after all you have done for me.”
I have attached a photo of the urn Luke created and thought wouldn’t it be nice for other people to know about this idea… most urns come from China and are mass produced. It is nice to know that there are still artists who take a piece of wood and carve and sculpt an incredible image that can last a lifetime. Thank you!
Kate Higgins
and if you are interested in my husband’s work: www.custom-wood-urns.com
Harlette Washington
Please provide me with information/cost on your husband’s creative wood urns. My husband, too, is a veteran. He is only 79, but I share with him periodically, that we both need to pre-plan and pre-pare as thoroughly as possible for our final affairs. Thank you.
Kate Higgins
Hi Harlette- I apologize for not responding sooner… I did not know you had written… My husband, Luke Thornton can create any type of carving or sculpture you would like. His costs are related to the amount of detail and type of wood chosen for the project. Please call Luke anytime: 541-661-0671. Thank you so much for your comment.