The Cremation Process
How Cremation WorksIt can be hard to make a big decision about a process you don’t understand. While you may not know the exact details of how a traditional burial works, it is easy to visualize what happens. That’s not necessarily true for the cremation process. Despite how long the practice has been around (some 2,000 years!), it can be a bit of a mystery. That’s because most people never see what’s behind the scenes. Understanding how it works can help ease the anxiety that many people feel about the cremation process.
Today’s modern crematories use industrial furnaces designed just for cremation. The process takes about 2-3 hours to complete. Along the way, the crematory will take care to make sure that:
- Proper identification of the deceased takes place.
- The operator is safe.
- The deceased is handled with care and respect.
Many facilities allow the family of the deceased to witness the cremation. Space is often limited, so it is best to check with the cremation facility to find out how many people can attend.
The Cremation Process: Step-by-Step
Cremation reduces the body to its essential elements through a process that exposes it to open flames, intense heat, and evaporation. This takes place in a specially designed furnace called a cremation chamber or retort. Many crematories require a container for the body, such as a casket appropriate for cremation or a rigid cardboard container.
Cremated remains are commonly referred to as “ashes,” however, in reality, they consist primarily of bone fragments. It is important to recognize that the body’s cremated remains are commingled with any remains of the container and any other incidental by-products of the incineration. Cremation produces 3 to 9 pounds of remains. The exact amount depends on the size of the body and the process used by the crematory.
The process of cremation consists of five basic steps.
- The deceased is identified, and proper authorization is obtained.
- The body is prepared and placed into a proper container.
- The container with the body is moved to the “retort” or cremation chamber.
- After cremation, the remaining metal is removed, and the remains are ground.
- The “ashes” are transferred to either a temporary container or in an urn provided by the family.
How the Cremation Process Works: Your questions answered.
1. How is the body identified before cremation, and what safeguards are in place to make sure it is your loved one?
To make sure your loved one’s remains are properly handled, reputable crematories have strict procedures. The first step is to make sure that they have permission to take care of the cremation. Identification regulations vary by state. In most cases, you complete paperwork that provides the crematory with your authorization. The form will also ask for information such as who will pick up the remains and what type of container to use.
The facility you use defines the specific identification procedures based on industry recommendations. A typical identification procedure will include having a family member confirm the identity. Next, a metal ID tag is placed on the body. This will remain throughout the process. Following the cremation, the identification tag is put with the remains.
2. How is the body prepared for cremation?
Usually, the body is bathed, cleaned, and dressed before identification. There is no embalming unless you have a public viewing or you request it.
Next, the technician removes jewelry or other items that you would like to keep. Medical devices and prosthetics that are mechanical or contain batteries are also removed to prevent reaction during the cremation process. Items such as pins, screws, and joints remain in place. Recycling policies for medical devices vary by the facility but in no case are the devices reused as-is. They are disassembled, melted down, or disposed of in some other responsible method.
3. What kind of container is used for cremation?
There are special caskets made for cremation, or you can use a simple cardboard box. The key rule is that the container must be sturdy enough to hold the body, and it must be combustible.
4. What is a cremation chamber?
A cremation chamber is referred to as a retort. It is an industrial furnace that is large enough to hold one body. Fire-resistant bricks line the chamber. The bricks can withstand temperatures up to 2000 degrees. Modern cremation furnaces follow according to strict environmental and air quality standards–natural gas, propane, or diesel fuel power the furnaces. They are also automated and computerized.
5. Where does the metal that remains after cremation go?
After incineration, the remains are cooled. The operator inspects the remains for remnants of metal left behind and removes them by hand or with strong magnets. The metal is often sent to a recycler.
6. What is done with the remains that are left directly after cremation?
We refer to cremated remains as ashes but what is left behind is actually bits of bone. After cremation, a special processor grinds the fragments into what we call “cremains.” This is what we mean when we refer to ashes.
7. What kind of container is used for the cremated remains?
After grinding, the ashes are placed in a plastic bag. The bag is placed in the urn that the family provides or in a temporary container. The urn or container with the ashes is returned to the family.
Both cremation and in-ground burial involve processes that work on the body. In cremation, heat is the process. In burial, the process is decomposition. Deciding which is right for you or your loved one depends on many factors. Cost, your religious beliefs, and your family traditions should all be considered. In the end, only you can decide which is right for your circumstances. We hope that having a basic understanding of the process will help you decide.