Celebrant Services on the Web
Better By Working Together
Combining the resources of Celebrants and Funeralwise is the ideal way to help families create truly meaningful and memorable celebrations of life. We complement each other perfectly. Celebrants provide personalized services that Funeralwise does not offer.
On the other hand, Funeralwise has a robust online presence, comprehensive information, tools, and marketing that most Celebrants do not possess. Together, we can accomplish our shared goals and provide best-in-class service to families.
A Mutually Beneficial Relationship
Collaboration between Funeralwise and Celebrants works because the benefits and incentives are aligned. Funeralwise will promote Celebrant services via our website and our various marketing programs, including our email campaigns. This marketing effort will offer you a new tool by which you can reach those who can most benefit from your services. In a broader sense, we can educate the community at large about the value of working with a funeral celebrant or officiant.
As a participant in the program, you will have access to the full range of Funeralwise resources. Our guides, forms, and the Wise Planning System can help you better serve your client families. Your use of Funeralwise will increase awareness of our collective services and result in more business for us all.
Raise Awareness of Funeral Celebrants
Funeralwise resources support the work of both Celebrants and Funeral Directors. We are non-competing entities. Coordinating our outreach will help get the word out to the public on the value of celebrating a life. By coordinating our services, we will help families get the personalized, meaningful funerals they and their loved ones deserve.