10 Tips on What NOT to Wear to a Funeral

Deciding what to wear to a traditional funeral can be tricky. You may not want to buy something new but you do want to be appropriate. >>Related Reading: What to Wear to a Funeral No question, times have changed and many people are opting for a more casual approach to funeral attire. But, and this is […]

How to Pay For A Funeral When There Isn’t Any Money

It is never easy when someone close to you dies. It can be even harder if you are left to make the arrangements. Even harder still if there is no money to pay for a funeral. In the best of cases, there is money set aside to cover the cost of burial and funeral. Unfortunately, […]

Should You Attend the Funeral?

Funerals are a unique type of life celebration. Formal invitations are rarely (almost never) issued. Instead, information on the date, time, and place for services are passed through public sources. Typical methods for passing along logistical details are a newspaper obituary, word of mouth, or social media. More often than not, funeral and memorial services […]

Angel Gowns offer comfort to grieving families

Not long ago a colleague sent me an article about an organization that recycles wedding gowns into spectacular burial dresses fit for an angel. The particular program she mentioned was NICU Helping Hands’ Angel Gown Program, the largest of the growing number dedicated organizations that have taken up this incredible cause. 

10 Reasons NOT to Plan Your Funeral

Did you read that right? Yes, you did. We want you to really think about why you shouldn’t plan your funeral in advance. Chances are, you will change your mind. Don’t like slide shows? Here’s the full “10 Reasons NOT to Plan Your Funeral” list. 1. You don’t plan to die. Good luck with that […]

Keep the conversation about suicide going: focus on elder suicide

NOTE: This article was originally published in September 2014. While some of the statistics may have changed, elder suicide is still a much too common problem. We urge you to learn more about the issue and open up a conversation with anyone you feel might be in trouble. It’s been a little over a year […]

What Should I Say to the Grieving Family?

Visitations and funeral services are often confusing for the family. Take time to talk with and greet family members, even if only to share a hug and a simple expression of sorrow. Kind words or memories about the person who has died are always welcome. The family may want to talk and there’s no need […]

What do you say to a friend whose spouse has passed?

What do you say to a friend whose spouse has passed? What words of sympathy can you offer? Maybe you’ve been through a similar loss yourself, so “I know how you’re feeling” are the words that come to mind. Beware—those are the very words that might be the least helpful or comforting. Here’s the gist […]