Getting Your House in Order: Decluttering Your Own Way

We are all pretty good at accumulating “stuff.”  But when it comes to getting rid of things, well, that’s another story. Letting go of things can be hard–so hard, that over the past few years we’ve seen the process of decluttering become its own little industry. Decluttering experts like Marie Kondo have become superstars, and […]

FUNERALWISE FAVORITES: 12 Unique and Thoughtful Sympathy Gifts

When someone passes away our hearts go out to their loved ones. We want to do something to help and to offer a token that shows we are thinking of them during their grief. Finding the right sympathy gifts to express our feelings can be difficult. There are tried and true options that are safe […]

5 Things You Need to Know About Planning a Funeral

Life is full of things we don’t want to do, like paying taxes or going to the dentist. Some you can avoid, some you can’t. Planning a funeral is probably at the top of the list of things you don’t want to do. You can’t avoid dying, but you can avoid planning for it which […]

What Things Must I Do After the Funeral?

Sending Death Notices What organizations need to be notified when a loved one dies? Depending upon your particular circumstances, the following notifications should be made when someone dies. Copies of the Death Certificate may be needed for some of these. Employers — to make them aware of the death and determine if any death benefits […]

5 Questions: Preparing the Deceased for Burial or Cremation

1. Is embalming required? Depending on local regulations, funerals that occur soon after death may not require embalming. Embalming is a method of temporarily preserving the body to: Make it easier to transport the body over a long distance. Give survivors ample time to schedule and hold funeral services. Refrigeration can also preserve the body, […]

What do you say to a friend whose spouse has passed?

What do you say to a friend whose spouse has passed? What words of sympathy can you offer? Maybe you’ve been through a similar loss yourself, so “I know how you’re feeling” are the words that come to mind. Beware—those are the very words that might be the least helpful or comforting. Here’s the gist […]

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