Jewish Cemetery

Naturally Green Jewish Burial Rituals

For some people the idea of a green burial is still a fairly novel concept. However, many groups around the world have been practicing eco-burial traditions all along.

Home Funerals and Burials

For most of history, we have cared for our dead at home. The deceased were memorialized in the family parlor and buried in the family graveyard. Embalming has been practiced as far back as ancient times, but it has not always been accepted in the US. The process from death to burial happened quickly enough […]

Green Funeral Products

One of the smartest things business owners can do today is look for ways to incorporate green practices like green funeral products in every possible aspect of operations. It can save businesses money when it comes to operating costs, but it can also help attract a growing number of potential clients who are insisting that […]

Green Cremation

For most of us, options for true green cremation are still relatively limited. Never the less, we typically think of as less damaging to the environment than a traditional in-ground burial. Cremation doesn’t require the vast acreage of land needed for cemeteries and doesn’t leave behind some 800,000 gallons of formaldehyde each year. With in-ground […]

Burial Options

The type of burial you have is a deeply personal decision. Many factors, such as family and religious customs, financial situation, and personal preferences, must all be taken into consideration. Like all decisions related to your final arrangements, you should weigh your burial options carefully since the decision you make is one important way your […]

Native American Natural Burials & Funeral Service Rituals

Native American traditions follow the belief and practice that the natural world is truly sacred. Many religious ceremonies are specifically tied to a specific location, and to harm that place would be contrary to Native American beliefs. Because of this, Native American funeral practices have always been eco-friendly. What are rituals are specific to Native Americans?

Considerations in Pre-Planning a Green Funeral

Many people, not wanting to burden their families with difficult decisions during an already difficult time, opt to pre-plan their funerals. Because green burials are a relatively new trend in the United States, you may not know what green options are available. With these pointers, you can plan a funeral that is natural, free of toxic chemicals, and minimizes your environmental impact.

Artificially Intelligent (AI) Funeral Planning

It’s a New Frontier in Artificial Intelligence A new generation of artificial intelligence (AI) is all the rage now. AI programs have been used for years, but the latest technological breakthrough is “generative” AI programs. These new AI programs, also known as chatbots, can respond to virtually any query. They can answer questions, hold a […]

Unitarian Universalist Funeral Service Rituals

Unitarian Universalist rituals are called memorial service, whether or not the deceased’s body is present. Most services take place at the church or a funeral home chapel within one week of the death, but may occur up to one month following death. The family determines the best time to schedule the memorial service.

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