This is NOT Your Grandmother’s Cremation Urn

Puzzled by what to do with those ashes? Don’t worry; you don’t have to buy a plain Jane urn. There are lots of really fancy (and maybe a little creepy) things you can do with cremation remains. You can even have a teddy bear picnic with this family three-pack.

Click through our gallery for 12 other unusual treatments for cremation ashes.

Let us know if you know of any others, and we’ll add them to the list. Remember that our store offers many great options for cremation urns.

Don’t like slideshows? Here’s the full list.

1. Take a Dive

Going to a watery grave may not be your cup of tea but there are several companies that will place your remains in a living reef. It may sound a little fishy but it’s actually pretty neat, especially if the deceased loved to be on the water.
Where to buy: Neptune Society, Eternal Reefs

2. Ink Up

Want a loved one to get under your skin permanently? Then body art that incorporates cremains is the way to go. Many tattoo artists will mix ashes with ink so that your friend or relative is always on your mind, arm, or whatever body part you prefer.

3. Lock and Load

You can really hit ’em with your best shot when you have custom ammo created using your loved one’s ashes. Perfect for the serious hunter or just any old firearm enthusiast.
Where to buy: HolySmoke

4. Get Busted

Who wouldn’t want to wake up each day and see a replica of a human head filled with ashes looking at them? You supply photos, and bam… your bust will soon be on its way. Not feeling it for your loved one? How about a celeb instead? The urns are not cheap, but they sure are head-turners.
Where to buy: Cremation Solutions

5. Tickle Your Fancy

There is not much we can say about this little beauty except that it might be perfect for the woman with everything. You’ll have to use your imagination to understand what this is, or click on the link below to see the whole kit. The creator’s website explains that “21 Grams is a memory box that allows a widow to go back to the intimate memories of a lost beloved one.” 
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6. Sparkle and Shine

If your loved one liked to give you bling, then the perfect solution for his or her ashes is to have a diamond or other gemstone created. There are many options when it comes to memorial jewelry.

7. Have a Cup ‘O Joe

Missing that morning chat with a loved one over a cup of coffee? No worries. You can make a cup that incorporates their ashes in the ceramics. Gives a whole new meaning to having a cup of Joe.
Where to Buy: Justin Crowe Studios, Cremation Designs

8. Watch the Sands of Time

You always intended to pass the time with your loved one. You still can. Just have an hourglass made with his or her ashes. Like sands through the hourglass…
Where to Buy: In the Light Urns

9. Get a Little Sketchy

Got a spot on your mantle that is just waiting for a picture of your loved one? Try something different and skip the watercolors. Go for a sketch made using his or her ashes.
Where to Buy: Cremation Solutions

10. Light up the Sky

Did the love of your life make you see fireworks? In life, not so much, but they sure can in death. Just have a fireworks display that incorporates his or her ashes made. Boom!
Where to Buy: Heavens Above FireworksHeavenly StarsAshes to Ashes

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